

T105 1352 メモリ2G

mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
 Start rehearsal measurement process.
 Measure the performance in 3 times.

 MFLOPS: 871.245203 time(s): 0.056704 3.288628e-03

 Now, start the actual measurement process.
 The loop will be excuted in 3174 times
 This will take about one minute.
 Wait for a while

 Loop executed for 3174 times
 Gosa : 1.671263e-05
 MFLOPS measured : 905.938535   cpu : 57.695379
 Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 11.048031

HP G370  G4 3.4G×2 メモリ3G

mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
 Start rehearsal measurement process.
 Measure the performance in 3 times.

 MFLOPS: 433.996187 time(s): 0.113833 3.296214e-03

 Now, start the actual measurement process.
 The loop will be excuted in 1581 times
 This will take about one minute.
 Wait for a while

 Loop executed for 1581 times
 Gosa : 1.815322e-04
 MFLOPS measured : 631.685095   cpu : 41.215833
 Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 7.703477

dell SC1435 opteron 2222SE×2 16G
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
 Start rehearsal measurement process.
 Measure the performance in 3 times.

 MFLOPS: 1130.557188 time(s): 0.043698 3.288628e-03

 Now, start the actual measurement process.
 The loop will be excuted in 4119 times
 This will take about one minute.
 Wait for a while

 Loop executed for 4119 times
 Gosa : 4.086563e-06
 MFLOPS measured : 1164.675213  cpu : 58.239790
 Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 14.203356


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: ベンチ結果

このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: http://www.kaiman.net/cgi/mtn/mtn2/mt-tb.cgi/655



このページは、が2008年10月17日 13:18に書いたブログ記事です。




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